We follow Jesus through the Gateway into
the Town. It is a triumphant entry as
the King of kings comes in peace with a donkey.
Arriving at the Temple Jesus is angered by the way religious people have
exploited God for their own ends. He
tells a story about a vineyard and then shares bread and wine with his
followers. What words of comfort and peace he has to share.
What would Jesus have to say about the priorities of the church and of religious leaders today?
Among the close friends are the women who are faithful followers of Jesus. In our Passion Play it is the women who lead the way from the scene of the Last Supper to the scene of the betrayal. As people pass them by they hear the wonderful words of comfort Jesus shared with his friends at that meal..
Which of these words speak to you at the moment?
On the day of the Passion Play, Act 2 was
called Remembrance. As we moved from the
Park on to the streets the heckling, the shouting, and one potentially serious
incident of road rage prompted us to give it a new and more appropriate heading
for the Video - Conflict.